Messages from Diverse Sources


Thursday, May 2, 2024

Pray for Peace. Pray for Peace. Pray for Peace

Message from Our Lady of Emmitsburg to the World Through Gianna Talone-Sullivan, Emmitsburg, ML, USA on May 1, 2024


My dear little children, praised be Jesus!

Little ones, My Son sees your intentions. You may not see the changes happening in your spiritual growth. It takes time and, with consistency through prayer, your spirit reforms and grows in the Love and Truth of God. It is related to your devotional prayer and Trust in God.

Be patient with yourself and with others. They also are changing as well through their prayers. Bless them and love them in the Holy Name of Jesus.

My children of the new era of peace, choose eternal goods over those of the world. Be vigilant in witnessing the events unfolding in the world. Pray fervently, because this is how you will be able to listen to what the Holy Spirit is telling you. Pray for peace. Pray for peace. Pray for peace. Peace within the world. Peace within the family. Peace within your souls.

You are loved by God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Many of you think that you are not noticed or loved by God and are fearful for things of the future. I want you to know that this is not true. God sees everything and you are dear to Him and loved beyond measure.

Silence these useless thoughts and as you grow in humility you will see and embrace the all-encompassing Truth of His Love for you and humanity.

Peace to you, My dear little children of God.

Ad Deum

Source: ➥